Sunday 29 March 2015

John Galliano S/S 2010 look by Pat Mcgraph

In Fenella's class we got to choose between a number of different looks she provided us moodboards with to create on a partner in lesson time, I chose the John Galliano S/S 2010 show look by Pat McGraph. I think this was one of my favourite lessons of the whole year so far as we got to pick a look, most of which we were familiar with and try it out ourselves and be very creative. It gave us a feel of what it would be like to be shown an avant-garde make-up design for a real fashion show and how we would have to create it accurately on the models.This is the kind of make-up I get really excited about and I had so much fun. I am looking forward to having more lessons like this in the future! I was really happy with the outcome of my attempt at creating this look and it has inspired me to practise activities like this more in my own time for fun and also to develop my skills as a make-up artist! Here are some pictures of the make-up on models from the real show which I used as references:

Here is my face chart and photographs of the look I created on my model Bekah:


- Brushes
- Foundation palette
- Blusher palette
- Eyeshadow palette - matte bright colours by Kryolan
- Supra color palette
- Loose powder
- MAC lip mix

- Cleanse, tone & moisturise.
- Apply a flawless base with a foundation that matches the tone of the models skin.
- As I used greasepaint on the eyes I will leave powdering the whole face till later, for now just powder the chin, cheeks nose and forehead leaving the eye area I want to work on un-powdered so the grease paint blends in with the foundation nicely.
- I began by applying gold supra colour over the eyelid with a small eyeshadow brush and bringing it down to the inner corner of the eye and down just slightly under the inner corner.
- I then took purple supra color and started in the crease on the eyelid and the outer edges of the eye and underneath the eye. I took a blending brush and blending this out smoothly to it faded out to the eyebrow and around the eyes seamlessly.
- I then used my eyeshadow palette and mixed a bright pink and two different purples and applied it over the supra colour to add depth and some more pinker tones to the eyes.
- After I was happy with the eyes I powdered the whole face to set
- I then used black aqua colour on a fine brush to paint on eyebrows above the natural brows
- For blusher I used the brightest pink I had on a blusher brush and applied it to the cheeks and following up the cheek bone. I wanted the blusher to look quite bold but still blended well.
- For the lips I made a dark purple using MAC lip mix and applied it to the whole top lip. I used foundation to apply onto the bottom lip and then used the residue from the purple lip mix on the brush to add some colour to the inner bottom lip so it looked graduated. For the final touch I took a very thin brush and using gold supra color I over lined the top lip to define the cupids bow, make it pop and to match it up with the eyes more.

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