Saturday 14 March 2015

Miss Havisham design idea - Old

Towards the end of Miss Havishams life she was at her craziest and unhealthiest after living in squalor and filth, not taking care of herself and never getting over the wedding.
She may have looked:
  • Wrinkled
  • Pale
  • Matted hair
  • Dirty
  • Dirty/missing teeth
  • Scabs from picking at her skin
  • Bitten lips
  • Very skinny 
This is a quick face chart I made with a rough design of what I believe Miss Havisham would look like. I have made the skin pale and dull, almost grey after lack of nutrition and sunlight for so many years. She is heavily wrinkled with dark circles under her eyes and bushy, unkept eyebrows with grey hairs growing through them. Her lips would be crusty and dry with cold sores caused by her poor immune system and self neglect.

  1.  Use illamasqua white skin base and mix with a little bit of moisturiser then apply all over the face, ears and neck.
  2. Using a mixture of white and black grease paint to create a grey, hollow out the natural contours of the face dramatically for a very gaunt, sharp and unhealthy look. Target the cheekbones, temples, jaw line, eyes and nose.
  3. Make a grey-brown shade using the greasepaint and ask the model to pull faces that accentuate where wrinkles would form and pull them out and make them dramatic.
  4. Powder the face using Illamasqua loose powder.
  5. Brush up the brows so they look wild and with white greasepaint on a mascara wand and apply in patches to the brows to look as if they model is half-way to grey hair.
  6. Use a pale brown matte shadow from the Color Medley kryolan palette and on a fluffy small powder brush apply in patches to the face to make her look unhealthy and a bit dirty.
  7. Using a clean cotton bud add a little base to the lips to make the model look more ill and then use duo adhesive to make dry patches on the lips.
  8. Stain the teeth with Kryolan tooth enamel in nicotine and black to make the teeth look rotten and as if some are missing.
As she hadn't washed for years I assume her hair would be a vague representation of how it was styled once a long time ago on her wedding day however very messy, matted, filthy, greying and grown out an awful lot so it would be very long. To create this look I would use a lot of back-combing to make it bushy, messy and matted and put the back into a messy bun and let the sides hang loose with very messy and pulled out curls, to show she had attempted to have a go at fixing her hair a little since but failed miserably. I would use a little dry shampoo to give it a grey tinge and then comb hair oil into the roots to make it look greasy. 

This style:

Attempted on this hair:
I decided against this design idea as many people seemed to be designing an old Miss Havisham for the continuity assessment so I wanted to do something slightly different.

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