Saturday 14 March 2015

Miss Havisham design idea - Her death

Another idea I explored was designing a dead/dying version of Miss Havisham, what she would have looked like after she had caught fire. This would give opportunity to use some really gruesome and over the top sfx make-up which I enjoy and am confident in doing as I went to Halloween as a burns victim! Here is my design idea:

  1. Apply liquid latex to the skin with a latex sponge and allow to dry
  2. Repeat the first step a couple of times until happy with the thickness
  3. Begin to pull at the latex with tweezers to create holes and texture on the face as if the skin has bubbled and peeled off in places
  4. Using brushes and different types of sponges apply greasepaint in different shades of red and some yellow and black for colour

Here is a screen shot I took of the make-up when Miss Havisham burned to death. In the film she was smoking and the make-up was very horrifying and gruesome.

For this look I would have to make the hair appear as if it had been set on fire which would mean I may have to purchase a wig. I would also have to make the clothes and props look burnt and sooty.

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