Sunday 29 March 2015

John Galliano S/S 2010 look by Pat Mcgraph

In Fenella's class we got to choose between a number of different looks she provided us moodboards with to create on a partner in lesson time, I chose the John Galliano S/S 2010 show look by Pat McGraph. I think this was one of my favourite lessons of the whole year so far as we got to pick a look, most of which we were familiar with and try it out ourselves and be very creative. It gave us a feel of what it would be like to be shown an avant-garde make-up design for a real fashion show and how we would have to create it accurately on the models.This is the kind of make-up I get really excited about and I had so much fun. I am looking forward to having more lessons like this in the future! I was really happy with the outcome of my attempt at creating this look and it has inspired me to practise activities like this more in my own time for fun and also to develop my skills as a make-up artist! Here are some pictures of the make-up on models from the real show which I used as references:

Here is my face chart and photographs of the look I created on my model Bekah:


- Brushes
- Foundation palette
- Blusher palette
- Eyeshadow palette - matte bright colours by Kryolan
- Supra color palette
- Loose powder
- MAC lip mix

- Cleanse, tone & moisturise.
- Apply a flawless base with a foundation that matches the tone of the models skin.
- As I used greasepaint on the eyes I will leave powdering the whole face till later, for now just powder the chin, cheeks nose and forehead leaving the eye area I want to work on un-powdered so the grease paint blends in with the foundation nicely.
- I began by applying gold supra colour over the eyelid with a small eyeshadow brush and bringing it down to the inner corner of the eye and down just slightly under the inner corner.
- I then took purple supra color and started in the crease on the eyelid and the outer edges of the eye and underneath the eye. I took a blending brush and blending this out smoothly to it faded out to the eyebrow and around the eyes seamlessly.
- I then used my eyeshadow palette and mixed a bright pink and two different purples and applied it over the supra colour to add depth and some more pinker tones to the eyes.
- After I was happy with the eyes I powdered the whole face to set
- I then used black aqua colour on a fine brush to paint on eyebrows above the natural brows
- For blusher I used the brightest pink I had on a blusher brush and applied it to the cheeks and following up the cheek bone. I wanted the blusher to look quite bold but still blended well.
- For the lips I made a dark purple using MAC lip mix and applied it to the whole top lip. I used foundation to apply onto the bottom lip and then used the residue from the purple lip mix on the brush to add some colour to the inner bottom lip so it looked graduated. For the final touch I took a very thin brush and using gold supra color I over lined the top lip to define the cupids bow, make it pop and to match it up with the eyes more.

Analysing Quentin

Character profile:
"Claudia has an imaginary boyfriend, Quentin, who is long suffering and a constant disappointment to her. They don’t live together but he visits regularly and they talk on the telephone if he can’t get in to see her. As he is part of her imagination his appearance changes to suit her mood. Sometimes he will be a David Beckham looking guy, whilst in another scene he will appear as a Pete Docherty type, Daniel Craig type or a Hollyoaks Babe. If she is having a bad day he will morph into an uncouth couch potato chav with all that brings with it.
He is as into the horror film genre as she and into role-playing to suit her whims and moods.
Claudia has a paranoid suspicion that he is constantly having affairs behind her back and keeps him firmly under her thumb, sometimes restraining him or keeping him prisoner in one of the rooms."

The word I chose for Quentin was "Glass prison" as I associated it with Quentin being a prisoner of Claudia's imagination. Claudia is in complete control of Quentin, despite her not always realising this and he doesn't get a say in anything she wants him to do as after all, all he is, is a figment of her imagination. The prison is class because when Claudia is happy they appear to be a happy couple with a lot in common, he can see out of the prison so doesn't realise he is really trapped there.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Analysing Claudia

Character profile:
"Claudia is a girl in her twenties. As a child she was left alone to develop with little parental guidance and through her relationship with T.V. movies developed an unhealthy relationship with Horror films, believing this to be the way life really is.
All the scenes take place in various parts of Claudia’s apartment, which is European in style with a great deal of kitsch décor. She is agoraphobic and is kept in touch with the outside world by her neighbours who provide her with her every day requirements.  She models herself on a variety of girls often twisting her look to suit whichever film she is watching at the time and there is often a nod to the main character in the current film within her appearance.
The script portrays her as psychotic and there is always the feeling that although her character is scripted/can be seen as humorous, danger is just around the corner.   However all this is normal to Claudia and she is of a cheerful disposition in this mad world of hers."


My chosen word for Claudia is "Spiral", because it reminded me of Claudia's mind spiralling out of control between reality and the world she has created for herself. It also reminded me of her mood 'spiralling' in and out of happiness, she can just turn all of a sudden and become paranoid and angry. This makes her a very unpredictable person to be around and in contact with which is probably why Mrs Laderman seems to be the only one who see's her out of choice as not many people want to.
This is the image I found for the word 'Spiral' as it looks very dark at one end and quite light at the other, to represent Claudia's two different moods.


True Blood

True Blood Season 1 trailer

True Blood opening credits and theme song: Bad things - Jace Everett

True Blood is the series I chose to design characters for Claudia and Quentin to be introduced into the series as. I chose True Blood as I used to watch it so am familiar with the characters, story lines and also as there are so many different species of supernatural characters from Vampires and Werewolves to the more strange that you wouldn't usually think of such as Maenads and Ifrits. This is great for me as when I began my research I had no idea what I wanted my characters to be and what would fit their descriptions so by looking into True Blood I had such a wider range of options to begin with.

True Blood is set in a fictional small town called Bon Temps in Louisiana which ran between 2008 and 2014. The plot is based around a world where vampires exist (as well as many other supernatural creatures) and after Japanese scientists created a artificial blood substitute called True Blood, vampires no longer have to feed of humans anymore. It is about the struggle for humans and vampires to co-exist. The main female character is Sookie Stackhouse, a telepathic waitress who falls in love with the 173 year old gentlemanly vampire Bill Compton. After meeting Bill a whole world of supernatural creatures and dangerous encounters unravel for Sookies life to be changed forever.

- Humans
- Vampires - Technically dead, live of blood/True Blood, burn in the sunlight, super human speed and strength.
- Faerie
- Werewolves - Half human, half wolf.
- Maenad - "Maenads are the immortal female followers of Dionysus; the god of ritual madness and ecstasy. Their name literally translates as "Raving ones"." 
" they would lose all self-control, begin shouting excitedly, engage in uncontrolled sexual behavior, and ritualistically hunt down and tear animals (and sometimes men and children) to pieces, devouring the raw flesh."
Halfling - Half human, half faerie.
- Werepanther - Half human, half panther.
- Witches
- Shapeshifters - Shape shift into other animals
- Faerie-vampires - Faeries that have been turned into Vampires 
- Skinwalkers - Shapeshifters that can also become other humans and even vampires.
- Ifrit - Found in folklore and associated with  fire and pyrokinetics, Irits are used to induce death.
- Ghost
- Demons - Super human speed and strength like vampires and are also telepathic and can control fire
- Deities - Control cosmic forces and control over mortal beings

Audience demographics:
The target audience for this series is strictly 18+ due to the very sexual and violent scenes from the beginning and throughout the entire series, this is one of its main selling points and the age rating means they can make it more graphic and raunchy and don't have to hold back that much with many themes explored. True Blood is watched by both men and women as there is something to appeal to both sexes, typically women seem to enjoy the romance and sexual relationships and men enjoy the violence and extreme sexual nature of the show. As well as the violence, sex and relationships, the characters who bring the whole story to life are usually very attractive, even if not obviously physically there is something about them that is sexualized which makes it more enjoyable to watch. The series appeals to such a wide audience as it includes people of all categories so everyone is included, this makes it clear to see why the show has been so popular and why so many series have been able to have been made. It includes characters that are young and old adults, many different races, homosexuality and discrimination is explored which gives the shows an audience from the LGBT community. It also follows themes that the audience can relate to such as religion, addictions, equal rights and the extreme power of the media.


Sunday 22 March 2015

Estella assessment & evaluation

I was really pleased with how my Estella assessment went, I really enjoyed it as its a more beautiful look to the Miss Havisham and has a much more modern feel as the hair can be quite bridal. I was really pleased with the outcome of my make-up application and hair style. If I was to re-do this assessment I would have made the hair style higher and bigger with the details so it stood out a little more by backcombing and placing all the detail slightly higher up, although I am still happy with it how it is. I wanted to keep the make-up very natural as make-up was still not worn boldly during this period so to use some more techniques I decided to bruise one of her eyes as if she had been punched by Drummle, I liked using the grease paints for this as they blended together really well and went on top of the foundation perfectly. I kept the design for the make-up relatively quick and easy as I was worried I wouldn't be able to do the hair on time but as I had loads of time left over after completing both hair and make-up, next time I would try and incorporate another detail to show her domestic abuse like a small cut on the lip or finger marks around the neck.

Images I took on my phone from my timed assessment:

Final images:

Friday 20 March 2015

Estella practise

Here are some images of the outcome when I was practising for my Estella assessment. Step-by-steps and product information on "Estella final design" post!

Estella final design


- Tail comb
- Paddle brush
- Grips and pins
- Small curling wand
- Hair bands

Late Victorian hair style:
1) Create a center parting with the tail comb and on each side of the parting create a section of hair to just behind the ear, I then sectioned these off securing with a section clip.
2) Take a U shaped section from the crown and secure with a hair band into a ponytail.

3) Separate the hair in the ponytail into small sections and curl each piece with a small curling wand.
4) Once the whole ponytail is curled take each curl individually and backcomb then twist around into a loop and pin it into place, do this with every curl and place around to make into a very decorative bun shape, not the typical doughnut style.
5) Curl the loose hair into ringlet curls.
6) Pin up some of the loose curls into the bun for more volume and height, but leave the majority of the loose hair down.
7) Split each side section into two, so there are two small sections on each side of the head.
8) Curl the outer sections in one piece along the parting to create barrel curls and pin these curls back to the bun so they look as if they have been swept there.

Consultation notes: 
Model: Madison Cotton
Hair type: Mid-long length, dyed, bleached, blonde
Happy with heat application
No contra-indications  


- Kryolan neutral matte eyeshadow palette
- Illamasqua 'Lover' blush
- Translucent Illamasqua powder
- Brushes
- Powder puff
- Kryolan foundation palette
- Kryolan mini lip palette - LC002 & LC003
- Supra Color in yellow, purple and black 

1) Apply a foundation base all over cleansed, toned and moisturised skin.
2) Create a black eye using Supra color in yellow, purple and black. Begin with a yellow base and build up the darker colours over the top. When  happy, powder it and the rest of the base.
3) Apply a small amount of Lover blush on a blush brush and lightly apply to the centers of the cheeks.
4) Use a matte mid brown eyeshadow from a Kryolan palette and lightly define the crease of the eye.
5) Using the same shade as for the eye, use an angled liner brush to lightly define the brows.
6) Take a lip brush and dab Kryolan lipstick in a mix of shades LC002 and LC003 onto the lips for a natural look.

Consultation notes:
Model - Madison Cotton
Skin - Pale, combination skin
No allergies or contra-indications 

I decided to go for a more natural look with Estella and do a light and clean base with subtle eyebrow definition and peachy tinted lips. This would go well with the pretty  hair style I am having her wear. As she was married to a man who treated her horribly and abused her I decided to try out a mid-healing black eye. This is the image I used to inspire the colours and tones I want to use:

Estella movie interpretations

I decided to research some different Great Expectations movies and look at the Estella character instead of Miss Havisham to see how she had been portrayed in different times and in different movies by her hair, make-up and clothes.

1934 - Jane Wyatt
1946 - Jean Simmons as young Estella & Valerie Hobson as adult Estella
1971 - Sarah Miles
1999 - Justine Waddell
BBC 2011 - Izzy Meikle-Small as young Estella & Vanessa Kirby as adult Estella
2012 - Helena Barlow as young Estella & Holliday Grainger as adult Estella