Wednesday 11 February 2015

Effects of ageing on the skin

Everyone ages differently and different life choices and conditions of living can either help or make the skin age more quickly and harshly. Sun and pollution effects the skin and body which is why it is important to avoid too much contact with the sun or without a good sun protection lotion. Bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking as everyone knows is bad not only for your health but ages you prematurely as well as a unhealthy diet. Other factors that can also make the skin age earlier on are things such as stress, the way you move your face, obesity etc. 
Ways to avoid early ageing and to reduce the signs are to have a healthy diet and drink plenty of water, avoid smoking and excessive drinking
Physical effects of ageing of the skin:
- The skin loses its elasticity so becomes wrinkled
- The skin thins
- The skin appears more translucent 
- You become more prone to broken capillaries
- Sun exposure can cause dark spots on the skin
- People with lighter skin show signs of ageing more than those with darker skin
- Senile purpura can occur which is bleeding and bruising under the skin 
- As cheeks droop jowls form
- Eyelids and eyebrows droop
- Lack of fat around the nose, chin, eyes, temples etc. make the face more gaunt looking.

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